
In our version of the future, people don’t have to work so hard to know how their organizations use information.

Our company was founded by data protection and privacy leaders that know the value of attaining visibility of data usage, as well as the challenges that are faced by those who have this goal.

Reasons for wanting better data visibility include everything from complying with data privacy laws, securing customer and other confidential corporate information, and analyzing current-state processes for internal transformation initiatives that are critical to being competitive in almost any industry.

As data becomes increasingly opaque to our technology solutions, at least one constant remains: people are a necessary part of the equation. The people handling data - collecting, modifying, analyzing, sharing, selling - are a critical source of information. Without them, all efforts to discover data usage information lead to a partial set of information that is inadequate for many objectives to be considered legitimate. 

Privily understands that your people don’t have endless time and resources to help maintain a knowledge base of your data usage, the purpose behind it, and the potential risks to your customers’ privacy or your business data in general hidden throughout your current operations. We want to help you achieve this by acknowledging the value your people bring to completeness of visibility and giving you the tools to incorporate them, as well as the automated components to provide the best possible information in which to run the most competitive business possible.

Our mission is to develop solutions that enable your organization to compete at the highest level by making it feasible to maintain an up to date understanding of your data usage so that it is there the moment you need.
Matt Linde
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Other Ways to Reach Us

Phone Number: +1 (844) 467-4674
Email Address: info@privily.io
Physical Address: Houston, TX 77002, USA